Project Structure - Modules
- Courses
- Staticpages
- Admin
- Auth
- banner
- header
- footer
- Page-not-found
Courses module - Components, Service and Routing Module
- course-featured
- course-list
- course-detail
- course-recent
- course-categories
- course-service
- course-routing-module
Staticpages module - Components, Service and Routing Module
- page
- Contact-us
- course-detail
- page-service
- page-routing-module
Admin module - Components, Service and Routing Module
- Login
- Dashboard
- Admin-coourse-list
- Course-form
- Admin-routing-module
Create - Modules:
ng generate module courses -- routing
ng generate module staticpages -- routing
ng generate module admin -- routing
ng generate module auth -- routing
Create - Common Components :
ng generate component banner
ng generate component header
ng generate component footer
ng generate component page-not-found
Components of Courses module:
ng generate component courses/course-featured
ng generate component courses/course-list
ng generate component courses/course-detail
ng generate component courses/course-recent
ng generate component courses/course-categories
Service for Course Module
ng generate service courses/courses
Components of staticpages module:
ng generate component staticpages/page
ng generate component staticpages/contact-us
Service for staticpages Module
ng generate service staticpages/staticpages
Import courses and staticpages module in app.module.ts
.... import { CoursesModule } from './courses/ courses.module'; import { StaticpagesModule } from './staticpages/staticpages.module'; imports: [ .... CoursesModule, StaticpagesModule ],
Export CousresFeaturedComponent component for showing this component on root component app.component.html
imports: [ CommonModule, CoursesRoutingModule ], exports: [ CoursesFeaturedComponent ],
Set design of home page
<div class="container"/> <app-header></app-header> <app-banner></app-banner> <app-course-featured></app-course-featured> <app-footer></app-footer> <router-outlet></router-outlet> </div>